Balancing Faith on the Road
Missionaries take their faith on the road and work to spread it far and wide, as for me, I’m just trying to balance mine on this journey....

Everything is bigger in Texas
Texas is larger than New York, California, and Maine combined, according to the Animal Planet program “Lone Star Law,” one of our new...

Recycling on the road
We expected to give up a lot of things when we moved into an RV and started traveling. One habit we didn’t expect to become a hassle –...

Adventure Kitties
Our kitties, Madmartigan (Madz) and Ronia are currently seven years old, brother and sister (though they do not look it, the vet told me...

Gallivanting around Grenada Lake
As I mentioned in the Frog Hollow RV Park blog post, we were advised by our campground hosts to visit Grenada Lake, which was only a...

Vittles of Vicksburg
The main reason we decided to visit Vicksburg, MS was the important Civil War battle between Gen. Grant and Gen. Pemberton, the city was...

Thank You Letter
For our Thanksgiving today, I had some time while I wait for the yams to cook in the oven before I put on all the marshmallows, so I...

The Struggles of Storage
Our decision to become full-time RVers meant a lot of adjustment for us – leaving our jobs, our friends, and our home of many years. ...

Who We Are and How We Met
Laine - Capricorn, English Major, Youngest, Professional Mike - Cancer, Economics Major, Oldest, Handy In 2011, Laine and I met playing...

How We Became the Hekawie
Mike and I were eating dinner one summer night in 2016, we were in the thralls of our first year of marriage (married September 2015) and...