We found Frog Hollow Campground when we were looking for a good stopping point between West Memphis, AR and Vicksburg, MS; it was an hour’s drive and a convenient stopping point being right off I-55. The area of Frog Hollow in Grenada, MS does not have much around it, so we figured this would be a temporary stop between sites. When we checked in, we met Frog Hollow’s friendly campground owners, Beth and Larry. Obviously, they have fun with the place, the frog theme is fantastic. In their main office, they have for sale frog pajamas, frog stuffed animals, and frog onesies and other creative items. Due to the location, we only planned to stay a few nights there. It was a good stopping point between Memphis and Vicksburg, and the price was great – even better if you stayed seven days, but we didn’t think we would find much there. Thankfully, we were wrong! The first night we got there, Beth, Larry, Tim (Frog Hollow work-camper) and several full-time RVers were playing a game of” washers” near our campsite. The game of “washers” is a fusion of horse-shoes, cornhole, and skee-ball with large colored washers and three holes in each plank for different points. We were pretty inexperienced in the game, but we had a great time chatting with everybody there learning about their rigs and their journeys. We were so glad to be welcomed into the fold.

Mike got some projects done on the RV while we were parked there and he got to talking with Beth, one of our campground owners, who told him about the most interesting sight to see in Grenada – Grenada Lake. On Google maps the area doesn’t look like much, but it was a fun place to explore and a great place to go geocaching (Mike will write more about that later). While they discussed the area, Beth kindly invited us to their Thanksgiving potluck dinner. We had planned to leave on the Tuesday before the holiday, but having received such a warm welcome and missing our families for the holiday, we asked to extend our stay at Frog Hollow. Beth was delighted and generously offered us the weekly rate for extending our stay, which was a huge cost savings along with our Good Sam membership.
There are a few walking paths surrounding the campground, but the highway’s proximity to the park limits the landscape. The campground is small enough that the dumpster is an easy walk from your campsite. Unfortunately, again, there is not recycling, but Beth and Larry do collect aluminum cans for fundraising at their local church, which is great, but my collection of recycling still had to be stored in the RV. There might not be much in the area, but you can definitely find entertainment at their rec hall – TV, full kitchen, board games, card games, and best of all puzzles. Mike and I are both puzzle fans, so we got a kick out of all the different completed puzzles they had lining the walls, tables and ceiling. They even had an active puzzle going, which drew me in for nearly an hour one morning. The whole place just had a great friendly family feeling about it. Beth even offered to teach us Quiddler in the rec hall one night, but sadly we didn’t have a chance to take her up on the offer.
The Thanksgiving potluck was fantastic – our contribution was a huge portion of stuffing (boxed stuff with celery and onions, nothin’ fancy but plenty tasty) and I attempted to make marshmallow yams, but my culinary skills backfired and it got a bit soupy, so we just went with the stuffing. I was so thankful to be invited and try out my cooking skills with such a great group of people. The potluck was well attended with a bunch of full-time RVers and friends of Beth and Larry, who happened to be in the area, all brought lots of tasty food and wonderful travel stories. It was a great community building event, everyone had a place at the table. Frog Hollow brought together multiple strangers to share good delicious food and inviting conversation for the holiday. We had a grand time – it made the holiday that much more special for us. I am so grateful for the kindness we were shown on our journey by our campground hosts and others at Frog Hollow, we were so glad we stayed there.